In-Sync Publications

April 2020 Issue_InSync June 2005.qxd

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In-Sync Film & Video Magazine April 2020 E X H I B I TS S E M I N A RS D E M O N ST R AT I O N S N E T WO R K I N G S P EC I A L E V E N TS F I L M C O M P E T I T I O N J U N E E X H I B I TS J U N E M AST E R C L AS S ES J U N E F U L L D E TA I LS : W W W.C I N EG E A R E X P O.C O M Cine Gear Expo Los Angeles 2020 T H E ST U D I O S AT PA R A M O U N T, H O L LY WO O D, CA N e w S h o w d a t e s October 1 - 4, 2020 October 1: Film Series at Cine Gear Expo October 2 - 3: Exhibits + Seminars October 4: Master classes at various locations Expo location: The Studios at Paramount, Hollywood, California, USA We appreciate your patience and look forward to bringing the community together in October! All funds for the June event will be automatically transferred to these new event dates. The show management of Cine Gear Expo is continuing to monitor the evolving situation around the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on a day-by-day basis, and our thoughts contin- ue to be with those affected across the world. Cine Gear Expo will adhere to all guidance and recommended safety measures issued by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as state and local health organizations and authorities. The safety and health of our exhibitors, visitors, partners and staff is our top priority. Sincerely, The Cine Gear Expo Team

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